Isaiah 42:1ff "See my Servant whom I uphold; my Chosen One in whom I delight. I have put my Spirit on him... He will be gentle... He will encourage the fainthearted..." (Living Bible)
Jesus was chosen and sent by God. One reason was to be an encourager. He is gentle. He encourages the fainthearted. How we need His encouragement for our lives. I love His gentleness speaking to my soul. I need this in my life that can get overwhelming and chaotic.
I long to pour out that gentleness and encouragment on others, too. Be my model, Lord.
"He won't be satisfied... until even distant lands beyond the seas have put their trust in Him." (verse 4).
Give us a heart beyond ourselves, Lord.
The photograph was taken in December at a fishing village off the east coast of Mallorca, Spain.
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